Deutsch Englisch

Right of revocation


Only consumers in the sense of § 13 BGB[German Civil Code] have a right of revocation. 

You are entitled to declare the revocation of your contractual statement in text form (e.g. letter, e-mail) within a period of 14 days without being required to give any reasons for this or – if the merchandise has been sent to you before the expiry of the time limit – by returning the merchandise. The time limit begins after you received these instructions in text form, however not before the merchandise arrived at the addressee [in the case of periodically sent merchandise not before the receipt of the first partial delivery] and also not before we fulfilled our duty to furnish information under section 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our duties under § 312g paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB“. The timely dispatch of the revocation or the merchandise shall be deemed sufficient for compliance with the revocation term. 

Please address the revocation to: 

zeitlos MG, Ernst Graaf, Prozessionsweg 8, 48145 Münster. 

Consequences of revocation 
In case of a valid revocation, all mutually received performances as well as emoluments taken (e.g. interest), if applicable, are to be restituted by either side. If you are unable or partially unable to return or restitute the merchandise to us (e.g. benefits from usage) or can only return or restitute it in a deteriorated condition, then you have to insofar compensate for its value where applicable. You will only have to make compensation for the deterioration of the merchandise and drawn profits as far as these usages or the deterioration is due to using the merchandise in a way that goes beyond examining the merchandise in respect of its features and the functioning. “Examining the features and the functioning” is deemed to be testing the respective merchandise or putting the merchandise to its intended use– as for instance in a retail store. Things that can be shipped by parcel are to be returned at our cost and risk. Things that cannot be shipped by parcel will be picked up at your place. Reimbursement obligations must be fulfilled within 30 days. The time limit commences for you when you dispatch the declaration of revocation or the merchandise, for us with its receipt 

End of the revocation instruction